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What the newspapers say: August 03, 2007

President Traian Basescu is still the most popular politician in Romania, contributing as well to the high popularity rate of his supporting party, the Democrats (PD).

But there’s more than popularity that counts when it comes to politicians. During the funeral wake for the Orthodox Patriarch Teoctist, officials who didn’t stand in line to present their last homage were booed in an unprecedented state of general despise.

43 of Romanians consider that a Democrat – Liberal Democrat alliance is more legitimate than the one formed by Liberals (PNL), Christian Democrats (PNTCD) and the Popular Action (AP), which is supported by only 13% of the electors, an IMAS poll informed on Thursday.

According to the study, 44% of Romanians do not consider that PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu should have resigned after the referendum maintaining president Basescu in office after the Parliament suspended him.

Democrats lead in the electors’ preferences, with 43% f the votes, followed by Social Democrats (PSD) – 17%, Liberals – 11%, The New Generation Party (PNG) – 10% and far right Great Romania – 5%. Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and Christian Democrats are below the 5% threshold, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

According to the poll, published by most newspapers, president Basescu it the man invested with the most confidence – 51% of the electors, followed by New Generation head Gigi Becali (34%) and Liberal Democrat president Theodor Stolojan (28%).

Still, it is not enough to be a public figure to gain the sympathy of people. Several officials who rushed to present their last homage to Patriarch Teoctist’s catafalque were booed by the pilgrims standing in line for hours, hoping to get a glimpse in the Patriarchy, Gandul reads.

Foreign Minister Adrian Cioroianu, former Romania president Emil Constantinescu, former PM Victor Ciorbea were just a few of the politicians who found out on Thursday how public contempt feels like.

Also in the Patriarchy area: Bucharest mayor Videanu said the project for building a huge National Salvation Cathedral, thus causing a spasm on the real estate market.

The 48 heirs of land owners who lost their properties during the Communist nationalization and might win the location of the future cathedral are already hunted by real estate mercenaries, same Gandul informs.

One of the favorite methods to get rich lately in Romania is to buy litigation rights for lands that will represent a fortune in the near future. Influential businessmen have the „power” to rush Court decisions that would take years for the „normal citizens”.

Still, in the world of business, thins look a bit better than this. The Central Bank announced that 63 banks and 131 insurance companies demanded the permission to operate on the Romanian market. Even though some of them make only a formal act of presence, some are expected to develop series businesses.

The list includes major players on the market: EFG Eurobank Ergasias, Citigroup, UBS or Royal Bank of Scotland, Evenimentul Zilei reads.