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What the newspapers say: August 10, 2007

The soon-to-come elections for the highest seat in the Romanian Patriarchy revived the discussions on whether the priests did or did not collaborate with the Communist political police, Securitate.

Dissident poet Mircea Dinescu, member of CNSAS – the institution studying the Securitate archives, claims that at least one of the former high-ranked priests was a Securitate colonel.

Cotidianul doesn’t have the patience to wait for the official CNSAS investigation on 26 members of the Orthodox Synod who have the right to candidate for the Patriarchal seat and invite the priests to answer a series of questions about their relations with the former Securitate.

„Our invitation to self-denouncing refers not only to priests who collaborated, but also to officers hiding behind a priest’s cloth”, the newspaper reads.

On the other hand, the Romanian Patriarchy announced it will sue Mircea Dinescu for his statements about the former metropolitan bishop Antonie Plamadeal` who, according to Dinescu, asked Ceausescu to advance him from the colonel rank to general, same Cotidianul informs.

The rest of the country is the same as always, with paradoxes and laws changing faster than lightning.

Transport Minister Ludovic Orban decided over night to change the line of the future Bucharest – Brasov highway, because the current track goes directly through the mayor’s office in the village of Barcanesti, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

The problem is that the fact was known for quote a while and the Barcanesti Mayor Office is already moving to another location, as the mayor himself announced.

Another „overnight” change was the law on the competences of the national public TV station’s manager, Alexandru Sassu. When named as general manager, the parliamentarians „forgot” to give him competences as CEO and voted for an incomplete law.

In fact, there were several controversies on whether the general manager should also be CEO of the institution. The fact is that, on its way to be published, the law changed out of the blue and Sassu got his CEO competences as well, Evenimentul Zilei reads. When questioned, none of the officials remembers how that happened.