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What the newspapers say: August 14, 2007

Newspapers today discuss a fresh statement made by Labor Minister Paul Pacuraru, who assures that public servants will not be dismissed but will suffer structural changes.

Also on the political scene, the former Romanian Patriarch’s file discloses his collaboration with the Communist political police structures, the Securitate.

Also in the news, Romanian authorities avoided export bans by treating the pork pest with “water”.

Adevarul reads about the Labor Minister’s declarations regarding the possible dismissal of 10% of the public servants. The minister changed his statements on Monday, claiming that there will be no firings but only formal restructuring of the organizational scheme.

The scandal broke out as PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said he plans to reform the public administration into a more transparent and professional institution. Thus, the Labor Minister should come up with a plan of restructuring.

Moreover, PM Tariceanu said that the project is a revived one from the former PM Nastase and the Social Democrats in power. Previously their administration proposed a 30% cut of the administration personnel.

The speaker in the House of Deputies, Bogdan Olteanu confirmed the news for the paper, arguing that the project will be presented in two weeks times at the executive’s meeting.

Naturally, union members protested last week against the restructuring project of the government.

Cotidianul reads about the former Romanian Patriarch’s involvement in the communist police structures, the Securitate. The newspaper presents the analysis of a historian who says saw the ex-Patriarch file at the Romanian Intelligence Service.

Moreover, the historian argues that the ex-Patriarch collaborated with the Securitate structures before he became a bishop or a Patriarch. Thus, he alludes to the fact that the Patriarch’s career depended upon his collaboration.

The issue is important in the light of the current elections for the new Romanian Patriarch. Newspapers allegedly started inquiring about the relationship between the Church and the political practices of the society.

Moreover, there were set up projects to disclose the priests and bishops who collaborated with the communist police structures.

Elsewhere in the newspapers today, Gandul reads about the stunt pulled out by the local authorities regarding the pork pest that stopped all pig exports from Romania.

The newspaper argues that the government has paid millions of euros for a vaccine that did not prove useful and now risks having the embargo instated for another undetermined time.

The paper argues that the vaccines bought by Romanian authorities are not useful in dealing with the pest, on the contrary. Now, more than 40.000 of pigs will be killed as the vaccine did not work.

Gandul reads that the Animal Health Direction is managed by an important businessman that took advantage of the bird flu in prospering his business gains. Thus, the paper alludes that private interests succumb public ones.

The costs are high since another 3 year export bans on pigs will determine important economic consequences for the Romanian economic development.