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What the newspapers say: August 16, 2007

Newspapers today focus on the internal political debate as controversies are revived by the Opposition’s threat to table a censure motion.

On the other camp, President Basescu stimulates public servants by personal visits and pressures to do their job.

Also in the news, Hungarian extremists intent to create a paramilitary force to fight against possible attacks from Romania or Slovakia.

Cotidianul reads about the newly contracted English political consultants by the Opposition party, the Social Democrats (PSD). The paper presents Labourist Matt Carter, general director of Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates as the leading figure.

In a recent meeting at Bran, a mountain resort in Romania, PSD leaders discussed the upcoming possible actions of the party. Surprisingly or not, the Social Democrats decided not to sustain the Liberal government and attempt to grasp power on their own.

Moreover, the English political consultants seem to push the Democrats into action, as they pulled up a Gallup survey in which 30% of the population considers that PSD should not sustain the current Liberal government.

Matt Carter is not a stranger of the tabloid press, as his name still stirs up memories on the “Money for Honours” initiative in London. Viorel Hrebenciuc, the main strategist of the Social Democrats did not admit to be aware of the allegations.

President pushes people to work by visits and public declarations. Evenimentul Zilei discusses the last two visits Traian Basescu made on two sites and the direct consequences of this visit.

One of these sites is a garbage dumping facility, next to Bucharest the capital city, the Glina site. After years of indifference, President Basescu “stimulated” local authorities to take some action.

Thus, in a couple of days, the garbage was gone and, even more flowers were planted on the site.

In explaining this behavior, the newspaper quotes the sociology professor Alfred Bulai saying that the simple explanation is the reminiscent reaction to authority of the population. More than 50 years in Communist rule have their say in the current mentality of the people.

However, Bulai says that even though there is still a positive reaction to authority, the impulses are on the short term. After “the boss” leaves, everything becomes as it is.

To give the President a nudge, the paper drew out some important sites the President should visit so that the issues would be resolved.

Elsewhere in the newspaper, Hungarian extremists plan to set up a paramilitary force to defend against possible attacks from Romania and Slovakia, countries with Hungarian minorities.

Gandul reads that the leaders of the political movement declare that Hungary is a direct target of Romania and that an attack is imminent. Plus, the formation sustains that Romania has commenced military movements that plan to takeover the Tisa territory.

Hungarian Defense Minister is trying to calm the extremist spirits of his co-nationals, by arguing that NATO has the same values as the two countries do and that there is no real imminent threat.

However, the paper adds that the ruling Socialists do not totally dismiss the idea and thus there are some informal negotiations on the issue while the Liberals deny any voice to the formation.