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What the newspapers say: August 24, 2007

The censure motion about to be tabled by the main Opposition party, the Social Democrats (PSD) already stirs discussions and speculations, far above all the similar actions in the past two years.

While PSD hopes for some seats in the Government – and polls show this may be possible – both governing Liberals (PNL) and their former allies, Democrats (PD) seem to be willing to do anything but accept a Social Democrat partner.

After 17 years of waiting, some 700,000 former political convicts may be soon rehabilitated by the Romanian state.

Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu announced on Thursday that all people convicted during the Communist regime on political criteria will have their records cleaned up and will be able to sue the state for compensations, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Gandul discusses the battle of three parties for the future Government, in case the censure motion about to be tabled is successful.

Although they deny any possible political collaboration with the Social Democrats, the Democrat Party (PD) prepares to meet PSD leaders these days, Gandul found out.

Meanwhile, Liberals – threatened to lose their governing position – are still waiting to see what happens, without making any public moves, the same paper comments.

According to sources, the Democrats have a „poor offer”: in no case possible would they accept a PSD prime minister but, at the same time they „may give a hand in helping PSD grow in polls”.

In the same area, a Gallup poll shows that a Liberal – Social Democrat alliance with a common offering might gain 27% of the electors’ votes.

The poll, not designed to become public, shows that Democrats still lead in the public preferences with 42% of the votes, followed by a possible Liberal – Social Democrat alliance (27%), the New Generation Party and Liberal-Democrats (7% each), and far-right Great Romania, with 6%, Jurnalul National reads.

In other news, the NATO summit Romania will host in 2008 may require a partial evacuation of Bucharest citizens, throughout the three-days meeting, in case there are signs about a possible attack against George W. Bush, Cotidianul reads.

Except for general traffic restrictions, people in Bucharest may be „invited” to „leave the city for three days, in a short holiday”, the paper informs.