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What the newspapers say: February 21, 2007

President Basescu and the Parliament can’t agree on which referendum should be held first. PM wants to delay both the referendum on uninominal vote and the one for suspending the president.

Meanwhile, Romania fails to find a Foreign Minister. And one is required soon, since a new scandal starts growing on Romania’s weapons exports to Arab states.

Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu demanded president Traian Basescu to postpone the referendum on the uninominal vote until after the European elections, Evenimentul Zilei and most newspapers read.

Of course, the president doesn’t agree and, as you can read in our yesterday’s edition, even starts arguing in public, using a tough language (

The Parliament is far from helping the president: the suspension will be discussed first and, in case Basescu remains president after the referendum, the second scrutiny would take place in at least three months, as Gandul reads.

The problem of a new Foreign Minister continues after the resignation of Razvan Ungureanu. Liberals chose a historian, Adrian Cioroianu, but president Basescu rejected the nominee, Evenimentul Zilei found out.

In fact, PM Tariceanu and president Basescu made no official comments on the subject, but also failed to deny the information, made public by Mircea Geoana, head of the main Opposition party, PSD.

A Foreign Minister would be needed very soon. New CIA reports show that the Iraqi insurgents may use Romanian ammunition and rocket launchers, as Associated Press informed, quoted by Gandul. The scandal could grow even more, traces of information leading to the idea that Romanian deliveries expanded to hi-tech parts that may be used for uranium enriching.

Back to the usual interior affairs: the order for the construction of an important highway segment is given today by the Transport Minister, Radu Berceanu, Gandul informs.

Happy with the news, General Motors and Ford make public their intention to acquire the Romanian car factory Daewoo Craiova, same Gandul reads.

The car market, on the other hand sees a 4.3% decrease, compared to last year’s first month, mainly due to lower demand for the national vehicle, Dacia, caused by growing registration taxes, Adevarul and Cotidianul inform.

It may sound good and normal, but things never are in Romania. According to the latest regulations, deaf and blind people still have to pay for their radio and TV tax, without even the benefit of a discount, Adevarul reads.

But Romania isn’t the only one facing poverty issues. According to the European Commission, one European out of six lives in extreme poverty, with Polish and Lithuanians leading in the top of poor citizens density (Adevarul).

They have their social protection problems, we have ours: „I was thrown out because the Health Minister wants to control the health insurance money”, says Cristian Vladescu, former head of the National Health Insurance Home. „The war is on for over half a billion euros”, he adds, according to Cotidianul.

Today there are no good news to end with.