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What the newspapers say: January 12, 2007

The story of a Romanian girl turned into a sexual slave once again brands Romania with the red-hot iron, as a major person trafficking resource. Things aren’t much better back home, where the new boss in the Supreme Judges’ Council gathers general distrust in today’s newspapers.

A young Romanian, promised to be employed as a dishwasher in Germany, was in fact turned into a sexual slave, having her passport confiscated.

The girl managed to escape her prison and turned to the nearest Police station. Unfortunately, the incident becomes a new reason to brand Romania with the hot iron once again, as if all prostitutes ever were Romanian. For more, check on Evenimentul Zilei.

„The red judge” is the main title in Romania Libera, while Adevarul publishes a piece on „The enemy of private property now leads the Justice”.

Both articles refer to yesterday’s election in the Supreme Judges Council, where the new president is Anton Pandrea, the man that denied the communist abuse compensations to a lot of people who demanded their confiscated properties back. His decisions were already paid in the European Court of Human Rights, the sum of all decisions against the Romanian state rising up to 4 million euros.

Meanwhile, the political stage takes a breather. Liberals organize their first congress after the Liberal-Democrat scission. Most newspapers comment that the congress is nothing but a pill for PM Tariceanu’s peace (Evenimentul Zilei).

Still, it won’t be a peaceful meeting, some might say. Recently departed (from the party!) Gheorghe Flutur already made an acid comment for Gandul: „the Liberal meeting is rather a board meeting in an oil company than a congress”. More news on the event is to be expected during the day,

Once again, president Basescu is lighting up the spirits: after the Quarrel between the Justice Minister and prime minister Tariceanu, which lasted for a few days, Basescu re-assured the chief of Justice – „Your ANI, your precious ANI, will pass through the Parliament”.

ANI is the subject for the last few days’ governmental mini-crisis – an Agency for National Integrity or, as Tariceanu put it, a prosecution’s office for politicians and public servants (Romania Libera).

Fighting corruption may be hard, but fighting spam is a purely Romanian deal. BitDefender won the contest for the best spam selection, worldwide, receiving the highest possible certification, Checkmark Premium, from UK’s West Coast Labs company.

BitDefender managed to block 97% of all spam messages, Romania Libera reads.

At least we have a brand that’s not to be ashamed of.