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What the newspapers say: July 12, 2007

The Pope deepens the separation between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church, after claiming that the Vatican is the only real „Church of Christ” – this is the news that makes it to the most front pages in newspapers on Thursday.

Also in the headlines, The Government accepts to explain how the pensions’ growth may be financed, but not before speaking a few last strong words against president Basescu.

After more then two decades during which Pope John Paul II begun the historical re-conciliation between the two ancient Christian rites, Pope Benedict XVI refuels the old conflict between Catholics and Orthodox, claiming to hold the only key to the heaven.

Vatican leads the only true church of Christ, says an official document in Vatican, according to Cotidianul and most other newspapers.

Back to Romania, things may clarify soon in the scandal on the pensions’ growth law, after even Prime Minister Tariceanu asked his ministers to satisfy president Basescu’s demand and explain how the growth may be sustained without prejudice to the budget.

Still, the things could not have ended in such a gentlemanly manner, so the Economy Minister made a final comment in a TV show last night: „I suggest Basescu not to promulgate the law, but – in case we have a budgetary growth next year, he should resign”, said the minister, as quoted by Cotidianul.

In politics, the summer vacation begun for most parties, but not for the main Opposition formation, Social Democrats (PSD), where a small group of major leaders may resign tomorrow, during the PSD Executive Committee meeting.

The „Cluj Group”, or the „Transylvanians” were repeatedly accused of supporting president Basescu from within the party, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Other things seem better though, or at least there’s a politician who knows how to polish the reality. The concern on Romania’s ability to use the European Funds is shattered in Gandul by the Development, Public Works and Housing Minister, Laszlo Borbely.

„We have no delays in the schedule for European funds spending!”, claims the minister, after several voices in the European Parliament already demanded less funding for Romania, given its low absorption capacity.

„We will sign tomorrow the National Strategic Reference Frame”, which means we’re on schedule, we went through those negotiations which could not have lasted less than this. We have 30 Regional Operational Programs waiting for the red light. We may begin this month, and this means we’ll have the contracts signed and programs running in some 60 days”, said Borbely.

„None of the EU countries managed to absorb important funds in their first year. Anyway, we may spend the funds until 2010”, the minister added.

In other news:

Evenimentul Zilei: One man died and 29 trees were torn, damaging the cars parked nearby, on the streets of Bucharest, during the storm on Wednesday night.

Gandul: 7.2 hectares in a park were cleared from trees in Bucharest, to make ground for constructions. Bucharest is one of the most polluted cities in Europe and has the lowest density of vegetation.

Gandul: Having sex with a minor costs only 100 euros in the county of Hunedoara, an investigative article informs. Night Clubs in Deva and Simeria have the richest „offering”.

Jurnalul National: The works at Cathedral Plaza, the most controversial sky-scraper in Bucharest, must be ceased immediately, according to a Dolj Court ruling. The building grows a few meters away from a historic monument in Bucharest, the St. Joseph Catholic Cathedral.

Gandul: In the county of Timis, 1,500 policemen managed to put up only six criminal files and arrest 4 people during an entire year. Timis is the county handling the frontiers with Serbia and Hungary, the major points in tobacco and human trafficking.

Jurnalul National: Telekom Austria formed a company in Romania, Jetstream Ro and prepares to enter the telecomm market.