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What the newspapers say: July 17, 2007

Newspapers today read about the pensions law again as the issue, which has been troubling local politics for about a month, is far from resolved. A recent Constitutional Court decision stirs up the scandal.

Also today, papers read about the criminal files related to the 1989 anti-communist Revolution and the so-called „Miners’ crusade” in 1990, which are passed from military to civil prosecutors.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Richard Batchelor, the team leader from the World Tourism Organization, talks about Romania’s tourism potential.

Cotidianul reads about a Constitutional Court decision which creates an interesting precedent. The Court declared unconstitutional a law passed in the Parliament motivating it did not have precise financial information.

The current decision has important consequences as the pensions law, on the President’s desk for promulgation has been postponed. The reason invoked by Basescu: it is not clear where the government will get the money to finance the pensions boost.

The Court’s attention upon a law Tariceanu regarding the statute of the professors was dragged by prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu who asked the Court to carefully analyze the law, invoking the same constitutional paragraph as the President in the case of the pensions’ law. However, in the case of the President, the executive highly criticized the move.

Elsewhere in the papers, Gandul reads that the pensions` law has become a battlefield for electoral gains.

The Liberals summoned the President to promulgate the law and accuse him of delaying its implementation. The Parliamentary parties are willing to meet in an extraordinary session to pass the law again if the President rejects it.

The paper says that Basescu announced he would promulgate it as soon as the Liberal government send him the requested documents. However, the President must take a decision by July 26, when the legal deadline to promulgate the law expires.

Adevarul reads that the Liberals advise the President to accept the pensions` law as it fully represents his electoral promises from the 2004 elections.

However, the paper reads, the President fears that his Democratic party will loose electoral influence to the Social Democrats.

Evenimentul Zilei announces that the Liberal government finished yesterday the documents proving the financial support for the pensions` boost.

The newspaper argues that the financial prediction for the coming years highly depends on the coming years.

Citing sources in the Economy Ministry, the paper reads that 2008 and 2009 are two important financial years that are critical for the upcoming budgetary evolution.

More in the newspapers, today the 1989 Revolution and the 1990 „Miner’s Crusade” dossiers finally move to a civil court. The decision taken recently regarded that cases in which both militaries and civil personnel are involved, should be judged by a civil court.

Gandul reads that Dan Voinea, the main prosecutor in the two cases which have in the spotlight ex President Iliescu, decides to give up his general position. Thus, he is able to continue working at the cases in a civil court.

Evenimentul Zilei reads that Voinea delayed any possible outcome of the trials so far. Plus, he will now follow the dossiers to the civil court.

Officials argue that this might help prevent a bigger delay since the new prosecutors need to familiarize with the documents.