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What the newspapers say: July 18, 2007

There is little left to say after the Rolling Stones concert on Tuesday night, where some 60,000 people managed to express their „Sympathy for the devil”. It’s in all headlines on all first pages, in all newspapers. Small things like the possible bankruptcy of the pensions system fall back in the news hierarchy, but still make some waves. Especially when it comes to a giant cloud of toxic gas…

The scandal around the growth of state-paid pensions is far from over. About a week ago, the president refused to promulgate the law allowing the pensions’ growth, considering that it’s „just a political bribe for the electors”, and demanded explanations on the way the expenses may be sustained by the budget.

The Government put up an explanation on Tuesday, simply claiming that the 6% economic growth enough to cover the budgetary effort. Still, for 2009, the stepping-stone of the program, the Government leaves it all in the responsibility of the future cabinet, elected after the 2008 elections, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

In the „dramatic news” area, the entire Eastern Europe waits to see what will happen with a giant toxic gas cloud formed near the Ukrainian city of Lvov. A train transporting white phosphorus derailed on Tuesday and formed a cloud that hangs near 50 kilometers the Polish border and 250 kilometers North of the Romanian border, due to the lack of wind during these dog days.

The 90 square kilometers cloud covers 14 Ukrainian villages, Evenimentul Zilei informs.

Ukrainian officials refused to make any statements regarding the accident. Romanian officials in Kiev failed to obtain any information on the accident, despite the fact that the cloud may soon reach the Romanian border, Gandul reads.

In politics, the only news is that the main opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD) lost one of its vice presidents, Vasile Dancu, who resigned from his position (but not from the party), due to his conflict with the party president, Mircea Geoana, Gandul informs.

„Geoana violated my freedom of thought”, explained Dancu, according to the same newspaper.

But Dancu is not the only one to have a problem with Geoana. withdrawn to a more discreet area after being involved in two corruption files, former PM Adrian Nastase makes a move to return among the PSD leaders.

„It is essential for me to be part of a leading team. The official function is not of the essence”, said Nastase on Tuesday in a TV interview.

Moving to the rest of Romanians, those traveling across Europe for better jobs: Italy may have found a way to get rid of those pesky illegal immigrants from Romania.

Authorities in Milan say Romanians may be expelled from Italy, according to the European act for the access and control of European Citizens. Romanians now have three months to become legal immigrants or risk to be thrown out of the country, Gandul reads.

Finally, to end in an optimistic mood, the recently privatized car producer Automobile Craiova is set by Ford to become the fifth largest car producing facility in Europe, said John Fleming, president of Ford Europe. „In 2011, Craiova will become one of the largest factories out group has in Europe”, said Fleming, according to Cotidianul.