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What the newspapers say: July 2, 2007

Romanian Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu is in the spotlight again, as newspapers talk about the persons who typed the document sent to Brussels in which Romania requests that all registered progress in the report should be eliminated. It seems that Chiuariu was protecting Corina Badea, his personal counselor in the Justice Minister.

Also in the news today, Liberals meeting in Brasov confirmed their support for the government once again. Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu warned that a vote of trust is cast for the government as a whole, not for individual ministers – given the past week’s press scandals involving the Ministers of Justice and Foreign Affairs.

And the 1990 files accusing ex-President Ion Iliescu of calling miners to put a violent end to anti-communist protests in Bucharest, are spreading in between various institutions after a Constitutional Court’s decision to send cases where both military and civilians were investigated to civil courts.

Cotidianul reads that Justice Minister Chiuariu is protecting a lady in a scandal sparked by press reports according to which the Justice Ministry requested the European Commission to eliminate positive notes from its report last week regarding Romania’s Justice sector.

The paper talks about Corina Badea, a personal counselor of Chiuariu’s, who’s said to have type-written the document sent to Brussels on Monday, June 25. Asked about the document in a press conference, Chiuariu preferred to point to the counselors in general for being guilty of the document, avoiding naming any names.

Talking about protection, Evenimentul Zilei reads about the Liberals meeting in Brasov, an important county in Romania where Party members endorsed a vote of trust to their government members.

The vote, the paper notes was not individual, as in last couple of weeks there were various scandals involving both Justice and Foreign Affairs ministers of the Liberal-dominated government. However, Prime Minister Tariceanu managed to assure the party’s support for all its ministers.

Romania Libera adds that, second on the agenda was the announcement of the leading men of the European Parliamentary elections in the party.

The organization validated former Foreign minister Mihai Razvan Ungureanu to lead the list while Dan Motreanu to lead the campaign.

Mihai Razvan Ungureanu was dimissed as Foreign minister a couple of month ago after various scandals in which the incumbent minister seemed to have favored the President and not the Prime Minister.

Gandul notes further on the issue that Tariceanu took a break from the meeting to defend his latest decisions, that of increasing the pension allocations and the agricultural subsidies for the population.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Cotidianul reveals the man against the latest deals between the Liberals and the Social Democratic (PSD) opposition, in the person of influential PSD leader Viorel Hrebenciuc.

The prominent Social Democrat is noted to have negotiated on important matters for or against the current Liberal government on various issues raging from the pensions scandal to the Social Democrats’ support of the current Liberal government or to the National Public Television nominations for its Board and General Director.

More in the news, Romania Libera talks about how the files accusing ex-President Ion Iliescu of a key role in violent events in Bucharest in 1990, when miners put a violent end to anti-communist protests in Bucharest, are spread in between courts. The files charge Iliescu with crimes against humanity.

The paper notes that the dossiers are getting lost between various institutions due to a recent decision of the Constitutional Court to send files charging both militaries and civilians to civilian courts.

This decision will lead to a loss of evidence in the cases and a delay in resolving them due to the enormous amount of gathered files, the paper warns.