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What the newspapers say: July 30, 2007

As weather gets mild across Romania, newspapers on Monday focus on other ‘hot’ topics. Over the past week, still more Serbian Gypsies crossed the border with Romania illegally, requesting asylum, one paper reports.

Elsewhere in the news, the Communist files archive is in the spotlight again and threatens to reopen talks over the implementation of the lustration law.

In a lighter tone, initiatives to determine the seven Romanian monumental wonders have taken off. Romanians are summoned to vote for the monument that best represents the country.

Gandul reads that the Serbian border with Romania – now, with the EU – has been confronting a wave of asylum seekers. For the past week, children, women and men alike, pertaining to the Rroma community from the Serbian area of Voivodina have crossed the border to Romania illegally in seeking asylum.

The newspaper argues that it is the first time when Romania faces such a situation it is to be treated seriously as Romania is a EU member and its territorial limits sketch those of the European Union.

Moreover, the paper reads that local authorities have announced the Migration Office in two of the main counties closer to the border. Investigations are under way to establish the reasons for the trespassing.

If the refugees will be granted residency, they will not be charged of illegal trespassing. Authorities have the obligation to investigate every case.

Romania Libera reads about the Communist files that failed to be disclosed over the past lustration talks. The new director of the National Archives Council, Dorin Dobrincu promises to reopen talks on the subject and make the files available to the public.

The paper hits a ‘soft spot’ on the Romanian political scene: many present political personalities have collaborated and held important functions during the Communist regime. According to the draft on the lustration law, such individuals will not be allowed to be on the present political scene.

Thus, stakes are high and so far, the lustration law, even if voted will not be applicable due to several annexes that make it impossible.

Moreover, the current stipulations do not allow personal data information to be disclosed unless 40 years have passed since the person’s death.

British historian, Dennis Deletant says that if cases are revealed, there will be important and surprising facts discovered. Deletant argues for the paper that he was not allowed to see the files for various reasons.

The institute’s personnel say that the reasons invoked so far are the lack of resources to be able to study them: there are almost 5 km of files.

EU legislation say that Romania should have objective laws that support the rule of law. Thus, the national archives law would be modified not to permit biases or discretionary interpretations.

On a lighter tone, Evenimentul Zilei put up an initiative that gives Romanians the possibility to vote the most representative monument in the country.

In an attempt to revive the national patrimony, the newspaper summons the population to choose an image for Romania.

Among the monuments put forward were: the old historic center of Sibiu, declared a Cultural European Capital; the monasteries in the Northern region in the UNESCO patrimony; Sighisoara the medieval fortress that still celebrates the medieval festival.