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What the newspapers say: June 15, 2006

The European Council in Brussels draws considerable interest among Romanian newspapers today as the country expects full EU support for its June 1, 2007. The past of a businessman-politician who aims at becoming deputy prime minister haunts him via renewed revelations of possible links to the Communist secret police.

And while psychologists analyze the profile of Romanian parliamentarians, one of them accompanies Bin Laden as devils in church frescoes.

While the stake of the European Council in Brussels these days is the future of Europe, the main issue for Romania and Bulgaria for the event is to hear what could be the most important political confirmation that the EU supports their accession early next year, if all goes well by then, Evenimentul Zilei reports.

It quotes Reuters, who obtained a final statement drafted for the summit which says the ball is exclusively in Romania’s half of the field if the January 1, 2007 date of entry is to be observed. And the two countries are urged to intensify their efforts to solve the remaining problems in the path of accession fast.

Cotidianul disagrees and quotes from the draft document to prove that Romania’s goals are already met: the statement says the January 1, 2007 accession is the common goal of EU, Romania and Bulgaria if the two countries are ready for it and members states that have yet to ratify the treaty are urged to do so in time

Evenimentul Zilei also sees a resolution on Romania and Bulgaria which was voted in the European Parliament yesterday as a sign that MEPs support their accession early next year as the document urges EU leaders to confirm they fully agree with the planned date.

Adevarul reports that the EP resolution came at the hand of Socialist MEPs who have pushed hard to introduce the document on the agenda, after the European Popular Party and the Liberals tried to avoid a new motion on Romania and Bulgaria.

Also in Adevarul, MEPs have tried to press Romania to allow international adoptions back with the intervention of two European parliamentarians on Tuesday, when they called a reunion to express their opposition to the Romanian policies in this field.

So far, the US have been promoting the re-introduction of adoptions, while Europeans – led by MEP, Baroness Emma Nicholson insisted that a Romanian moratorium on this issue remained in place.

Meanwhile, Gandul announces that CNSAS, the Bucharest body studying the files of ex-dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s secret police, the Securitate, may give its verdicts today whether politician-businessman Dan Voiculescu was involved in political police practices.

The newspaper writess there are two files considered for evidence in this regard, and the news are not good for Dan Voiculescu – leader of the Conservative Party, a junior member of the governing coalition, and a candidate for the seat of deputy prime minister.

According to Gandul, most CNSAS members were leaning towards giving a blaming verdict on Voiculescu yesterday, but they had to deal with intense “pressure of all sorts”, which may prevent them from making a clear statement today.

Evenimentul Zilei also says that evidence so far point to Dan Voiculescu as an informer of the Securitate as one informative note found in the Securitate archives would show he forwarded to the Securitate personal information of an enterprise he was managing at the age of 24.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Cotidianul publishes an exhaustive feature showing how Romanian politicians are boasting their status through specific means – chunky golden rings, monogrammed shirts (a fashion launched by ex-PM Adrian Nastase), a habit for hunting and, why not, Armani suits bought from thieves in the parking lot of the Parliament Palace.

The newspaper quotes psychologist Florin Tudose, who says this kind of “fashion” and behaviour betrays the “complex of power” among Romanian politicians, who have formal power and are hungry for more, by informal means.

A sign of recognition no politician would want has hit former president Ion Iliescu. Gandul reports that Iliescu, blamed by many for most of the troubles of post-Communist transition, and Bin Laden are included in the frescoes of two small churches in the western city of Timisoara – as devils burning in hell.

While Bin Laden can still be seen on the walls of one church, Iliescu has been erased from the walls of the other despite the local priest says the ex-president should have probably remained as “he represents former Communists. After he came to power, miners’ violence and other troubles began”.

Romania observes the June 1990 “miners’ crusades” to Bucharest these days. The miners’ crusades were a series of acts of extreme violence committed by miners Iliescu summoned to Bucharest at the time to put an end to protests against him.