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What the newspapers say: June 21, 2006

The Conservative Party’s leader Dan Voiculescu stole the front pages of the Wednesday newspapers following the yesterday verdict by CNSAS (the authority studying the archives of the communist militia, the Securitate) that Voiculescu, under the code name Felix, was a collaborator of the Securitate and carried out political militia activities.

The death of a Romanian soldier on mission in a peace keeping contingent in Afghanistan is also reported about in the dailies today, while the national tests for the eighth grade graduates continue to remain a subject of concern for most of the press.

Romania Libera writes about the document released by CNSAS that reveals Voiculescu was officially a Securitate’s informer.

Voiculescu’s lawyer Sergiu Andon, a Conservative MP as well, went to pick up the verdict on yesterday from the CNSAS head office where he was expected to unveil who was “Dominic”, a person that the two Conservatives said he had collaborated with the Securitate and was currently among the CNSAS members.

Andon refused to expose Dominic for the moment, fact that infuriated poet and CNSAS member Mircea Dinescu, who accused him of blackmail.

Adevarul reports that in a press conference yesterday, Voiculescu accused the absence of some documents signed by “Felix.” The CNSAS officials say that the file was complete and that the documents invoked by Voiculescu, part of a previous file, were given to him three years ago.

Accusing the absence of the right documents that would prove he had not been involved in political militia activities, Vociulescu is suing CNSAS .

Cotidianul is trying to shed some light in the complicated story of the collaboration with the Securitate. Apparently the entire history of Vociulescu’s past is linked to the activity of the communist company Crescent, whose director he was at the time and of the state’s Foreign Commerce Enterprise “Dunarea”.

Crescent was the intermediate that carried out almost 70% of the exports of the Dunarea. However, information related to “Dunarea” is still kept classified by the External Information Service (SIE) and will not be made public as it would endanger the national security. Some information will be though available in 2012, according to the legal terms se by the Romanian legislation.

Evenimentul Zilei has a more pragmatic approach of the verdict’s implications. Voiculescu not only will sue the CNSAS but plans to ally with the Opposition Social Democratic Party to file a non-confidence motion against the Government.

He also threatened to withdraw from the governing coalition, but this decision was left for Sunday when the party leaders would reconvene and take a decision.

Even with the Conservative’s support, the motion has no chances of success under the circumstances of Opposition Greater Romania Party’s support for the Tariceanu Government.

Adevarul makes a duty from reporting about the National Tests of the 8th grade graduates and drops a new bomb. The Romanian Language and Grammar exam has some shortcomings as the solutions depend on which grammar it is applied – the old norms or the new ones introduced this year.

The daily also reports about the high security that the Education minister installed in the building where the history inspectors will take the subjects for tomorrow’s exam.

The newspapers report about the Romanian soldier that died on mission in Afghanistan.

Evenimentul Zilei writes that the caporal Ionel Gheorghita Dragusanu is the forth loss for Romania’s army. The Romanian soldier was killed by a mine blast close to Kandahr in Afghanistan, while other four colleagues were injured, two of them in very serious condition.

They were part of a peace keeping contingent that Romania deploys in the hottest post war areas such as Bosnia, Afghanistan, Irak.

While Italian soldiers are pulling back from Iraq, Romanian contingent will be left out without command, writes Cotidianul. The Foreign Affairs minister is now having talks in Italy about the changes in the military contingent.

The Romanians will not take over the command but expressed their disagreement about being under the Polish command, whose number fluctuates and lacks stability. The number of Romanian soldiers will remain the same.