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What the newspapers say: June 22, 2006

Floods hit Romania again, too soon after the Danube’s overflow. This time, the torrential heavy rains managed to make more victims than the previous water catastrophe, and affected more counties and households and thousand of people.

The nature’s revenge does not put off the Wednesday’s dailies to investigate further into the Felix mystery, the code name of the Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu while he was a collaborator of the former communist militia aka Securitate.

Further journalistic investigations show that the experts in the “Fleet” case involving president Traian Basescu are silenced, one by one, while the very talkative Gigi Becali, politician and owner of Steaua football club, refuses to pay the rent and maintenance of his office in the Marriott Hotel.

EvZ describes the tragedy that occurred during the last two days, the torrents that yielded six dead and 9 missing. Three of the dead are children. The victims and the missing persons come from two townships most hit by the catastrophe in the northern county of Bistrita Nasaud, Tarlisua and Spermezeu.

A woman carrying her child in her arms was taken by the torrent and has not yet been found.

President Traian Basescu flew to the affected area but hardly managed to find a dry place where to land the helicopter. A first evaluation of the disaster shows that damages top 200 bln ROL.

Romania Libera reports on the dimensions of the disaster not only in the northern part of the country where the torrents claimed lives, but also in the Eastern county of Galati where the heavy rain broke the roads and the railway in only one-hour heavy pouring.

In Western Apuseni, there are tourists isolated by waters. The weather will not improve soon, the meteorologists say, torrential rains will reach 50 l of water /sqm and hail will fall. It is expected that the Danube and the Prut rivers reach maximum levels in the coming days.

Jurnalul National writes about the Death Valley when describing the valley of the Tibles River. The swollen waters dashed away everything on their way, including the memorial house of the Romanian writer Liviu Rebreanu.

Gardianul continues its investigation regarding the communist past of the Conservative leader Dan Voiculescu and revelas in todays’ newspaper that it managed to trace who were the superiors of “Felix” – Voiculescu’s code name while collaborating with the former Securitate.

Therefore, “Caciula” is a counter informer that worked for the foreign trade company Vitrocim. His real name is Vasile Deleanu, is a lawyer with a prosperous low company in Bucharest, Snagov and Brussels. The second person unveiled by Gardianul is a former officer in the State’s Security Department, Marin Nicola, responsible with foreign trade.

Adevarul opens its pages today with the “Fleet” case that involves the president Traian Basescu as well and some other former Transportation ministers.

The daily’s investigation shows that the people that handled the research and documentation of the case are now, one by one, incriminated and proved as not suitable at the time to draw those conclusions.

The General Prosecutors Office Constanta launched a penal investigation against the three that gathered the documentation for the case. After only three years since the opening of this case, the experts are challenged and removed.

The Fleet case involves the sale of 16 armament big ships to a Norwegian company that brought a loss of 11,000 bln ROL to the State’s budget in the time period 1991-2000. Among the accused there is also president Traian Basescu, former Transportation minister in the 1994-2000 mandate.

On Gandul front page a sensational story – the football club Steaua, UEFA semi-finalist this year, is sued by the management of Marriott Hotel for having devastated the head office rented in the building and for not having paid the rent and the maintenance in the last years, a debt that has piled up to 7 bln ROL .

The owner of the Steaua Club Gigi Becali refuses to pay and denies accusations despite a positive financial ascendance he has known during the last years.