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What the newspapers say: June 28, 2006

Romanian newspapers on Wednesday try to decipher what was in the mind of a Romanian man who planned a terrorist attack in the Western city of Timisoara earlier this week. And what is in the mind of authorities in Bucharest who are going sci-fi in their effort to find answers extreme weather conditions.

And what was in the mind of local officials in the capital as a major plan to smooth traffic in the northern part of the city failed to pass again.

The arrest of Ioan Florin Lesch, 28, under terrorism charges raises quite a few eyebrows in the media. The man, retained Monday night after 18 month tailing operations by Romanian intelligence services, is a rather simple and disturbed man who would not be capable of a terrorist attack, according to people he knew, quoted by Evenimentul Zilei.

The newspaper quotes the main intelligence service in the country, the SRI, as saying that Lesch had been suspected of attended religious training camps organized by Muslims in Romania, where he allegedly established links with the Muslim Brotherhood.

According to SRI, Lesch – under the pseudonym of Aynan Hassan Abger, planned to blow up a car in the crowded center of Timisoara in order to punish Romania for its role besides the US in the Iraqi conflict.

But Evenimentul Zilei quotes friends and acquaintances of Lesch, including his mother according to whom the man would not be capable of terrorist activities and might be psychologically troubled.

Cotidianul, meanwhile, says that Lesch’s statements after his arrest suggest the whole scheme of a terrorist attack was copied from the Internet. And it also quotes representatives of the Islamic community in Timisoara, who condemn the planned attack as it such activities should not be carried in the name of Islam.

And Adevarul quotes a psychologist from the Bucharest University who warns such a case may repeat as Lesch would not be the only socially marginalized man who tries to identify himself with extremist groups in order to cope with the pressure of democratic values.

Elsewhere in the newspapers, Evenimentul Zilei quotes a study of the Public Policies Institute in Bucharest analyzing the participation of elected officials in the votes of the Romanian Parliament.

According to the newspaper, one of the record absentees is the leader of the opposition Social-Democratic Party, Senator Mircea Geoana, who only voted three of the total 660 legislative measures that went through the upper chamber of the Parliament in one and a half months.

Mircea Geoana was followed by fellow party member Sorin Oprescu and the leader of the far-right Greater Romania Party (PRM), Corneliu Vadim Tudor. A man who – as proven yesterday – would rather get involved in exceptional debates.

The same Evenimentul Zilei quotes CV Tudor and other senators who warned yesterday that floods that have struck Romania last year may have been produced by an experimental meteorological weapon produced by a foreign entity. They were so sure of a such a threat on Romania that they even called for a parliamentary inquiry on the issue.

The debate comes as a heat wave hits Romania hard these days, killing a 47-year old man in Bucharest on Tuesday, when temperatures rose above 40 degrees Celsius in the Romanian capital.

According to Adevarul, the man died as he was going to hold a high school graduation exam – where he was accompanied to by his son, also due to hold the graduation exam.

In the case of President Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, they opted to deal with weather issues yesterday by touring the regions affected by floods in northern Romania recently.

Cotidianul notes that the two opted to have their visits by themselves and not together, despite they eventually met in the village of Tirlisua, one of the most affected by landslides and floods earlier this month.

The way they meet on a destroyed bridge in Tirlisua – according to Gandul – was more than a symbol for the rupture between the two Romanian leaders, long known for their rivalry despite being part of the same political coalition.