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What the newspapers say: March 1, 2007

Once again, the presidential actions are subject to media comments and political reactions, after the president conducted a Government’s session.

Except for that, Romania seems to enter a new era of labor management, first elaborating strategies to bring back Romanian workers employed abroad, then developing a new country brand, „Romania, Fabulospirit”, to gain back the lost confidence of Western countries.

Most newspapers inform on a new governmental initiative: a plan designed to bring home the Romanians working abroad.

The cabinet decided to apply a set o measures, starting with evaluating the job structure, working and hosting conditions for Romanians, then trying to match the offer locally. (Evenimentul Zilei, Cotidianul, Adevarul and others)

Back to the usual scandals on the political stage, president Basescu went to conduct a governmental session yesterday, making very specific observations on the activity of some ministers.

The tenders for roads rehabilitations and infrastructure development, the increase of prosecutors’ number, the political neutrality of the public TV stations and the foreign policy step backs were the main problems raised by Basescu, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Meanwhile, the Parliament was putting up a commission to investigate president Basescu’s activity since he was elected. The commission will be led by the head of the Conservative Party, one of the politicians most often found under Basescu’s attacks, Gandul, Romania Libera and most other newspapers read.

In foreign policy, things aren’t too much better. Moscow accuses Romania of offering citizenship to Moldovans in order to compromise Moldova’s sovereignty.

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, asks the European Union and NATO to take position in the matter, despite the fact that Russia has similar, or even more simplified procedures with the Georgian citizens (Evenimentul Zilei).

With or without Russia’s agreement, Romania participates in a study on the Black Sea region, paying some 600,000 euros in the following three years, in order to monitor the economic output and to facilitate the data transfer between the parties involved, Gandul reads.

The Interior Minister also makes a lot of headlines, demanding an urgent law for legalizing prostitution, given the fact that Police have no means to fight it, Gandul, as well as many other newspapers inform.

There are also some good news for today. The banking system seems better every day. The Romanian Commercial Bank profits grew 20% in 2006, up to 214 million euros, as same Gandul reads.

Another investor, Porsche Romania, is also doing quite well, with sales higher than expected – 3,375 units sold since the beginning of the year, a 23.4% growth compared to January 2006, Adevarul reads.

The military aircraft reached a turning point in history, with US and EU planes fighting over the market and trying to replace the ancient MiGs Romania uses (Cotidianul). The sum Romania has to spend is some 4.4 billion euros, so everyone expects an open war in the tender.

But not everything is pink: 15,000 Romanian exporters out of a total of 15,500 threaten to shut their operations, given the 100 days VAT return term of the Romanian state. Their activity stumbles in the lack of circulating cash, same Cotidianul reads.

Time to go on holiday, some might say, and they’d be right, with the perfect snow that covers almost entirely (except for Sinaia) the entire Prahova Valley. 3,000 UK tourists already learned how to ski in Romania, Jurnalul National informs.