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What the newspapers say: May 10, 2006

Theodor Stolojan’s plan to return to political stage continues to make waves in the Wednesday’s press. The dailies write that „Stolo” will take away from Calin Popescu Tariceanu the PM position, but his fiery statements are blowing away the Liberal party.

One day after Europe’s day, there are still some reverberations on the European Commission’s plans to disclose Romania and Bulgaria’s accession date only in the fall. The upcoming report due on May 16 will clear all aspects and will put a stop to rumours.

The surgery undergone by president Basescu still makes it to the first page of some dailies, but the media attention seems more targeted at his counsellor, Theordor Stolojan.

EVZ considers Theodor Stolojan as an alternative for all Liberals unsatisfied with the current management under Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s helm.

Throughout the time, since Tariceanu has become the Liberals’ leader, there have been some dissidents in the party that blamed Tariceanu for his close relations with the Rompetrol oil group’s head, Dinu Patriciu, also a Liberal member but now self-suspended.

Stolojan continued his media trip to Radio Guerrilla yesterday, after the TV show on Monday night when he revealed his comeback intensions and expressed disappointment with the Liberal leader, his successor, Calin Popescu Tariceanu.

Cotidianul quotes the radio interview where Stolojan stated that he would accept to take over the PM position, a responsibility he assumed before, if a majority in the Parliament gave him a confidence vote. He also suggested liberal Mona Musca, former minister of Culture, replace Tariceanu at the helm of the PNL.

Gandul writes about the political revival of Stolojan as staged by president Traian Basescu. The TV performance was very similar to that of Basescu’s a few weeks ago.

The message was the same – the disagreement with premier Tariceanu’s activities, and the regret of giving him the helm of the Government and that of the Liberal party’s, the other pillar of the governing coalition, once aimed to merge with the Democrats and create a right-wing party.

Romania Libera elaborates on Stolojan’s further motivation to take the management away from Tariceanu due to the close relationships between the premier and Dinu Patriciu, the head of Rompetrol oil Group.

Stolojan conveys the message that the Liberal Party should play an important role for the Romania, and not just for some members that follow their interests. Stolo accused there are some members that prefer to keep the Party at 10 percent of the constituency votes and be a pun that makes the games.

The press also tackles information and rumors that inflamed the Europeans regarding a potential delay of the country’s accession due to the slow progresses made by Bulgaria.

Cotidianul title blames the Bulgarian mob for a possible postponement of the accession. The daily quotes some foreign newspapers that wrote about a potential delay because of the coupling of the two countries. Bulgaria has not yet delivered the reforms, and 2008 seems a more appropriate date.

The Bulgarian PM asked the EC not to humiliate the new comers as second hand members. The Liberals in the European Parliament also disagree with the very strict criteria imposed on the new candidate countries. However, Romanian authorities show confidence that the accession date will be January 1, 2007. „Any other treatment would be unfair for Romania,” said the Romanian Interior minister.

Gandul quoted the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durrao Barroso who said all information in the press were speculations. A decision will be taken on May 16 regarding the calendar of the two countries’ accession.

EVZ recaps the story of president Basescu’s hernia ordeal, quoting also the Austrian physicians that revealed the president was in danger of having his legs paralysed. The surgery went well, the patient recovers well and Basescu is capable of assuming his prerogatives.

Cotidianul links president Basescu’s physical pains to his political ones, by writing on Basescu’s refusal to receive PM Tariceanu when in the hospital.

„After what you did during the weekend, we have nothing more to say to each other!” Following a weekend of fiery statements of the Liberals against president Basescu and the Democratic Party, the chief of state said bitter words to Tariceanu, according to sources close to the president.