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What the newspapers say: May 15, 2006

The most recent bird flu outbreak in Romania seems to have gotten out of control, newspapers report unanimously on Monday, some of them warning that infected meat might have already been sold in stores across the country.

But that doesn?t scare top EU officials due to visit Bucharest before May 16, when the European Commission publishes its report on Romania and Bulgaria accession.

And the bird flu scare would not affect politics, with newspapers revealing the involvement of politicians in real estate business and reporting the findings of a poll that should clear things up about the image of the current governing alliance.

As the first case of bird flu was identified last weekend in a chicken farm in Southern Romania, Cotidianul considers the blame should be bore by „incompetent” vets who allowed 15 tons of meat potentially infected with the H5 virus to be distributed across the country.

And the meat has already reached stands in ten Romanian counties, according to the newspaper.

Evenimentul Zilei, for its part, reports that the authorities cannot provide guarantees the population is not in danger as much of the chicken from Codlea, the H5-hit farm, was already sold to customers and it only remains to be confirmed that the chicken bore the most dangerous form of the virus, H5N1.

The meat distributed to Focsani, however, was not sold there as much part of it went to Bucharest, as Focsani is one area where hypermarkets Cora in the Romanian capital takes its chicken from.

Meanwhile, the authorities in the county of Brasov, where two new hotbeds were identified over the weekend, have hidden the existence of a bird flu outbreak for days, according to Gandul. And tabloid Averea reports infected meat from the region has been sold on the black market already.

Elsewhere in the media, Gandul reports that while many people do not agree with early elections, some 64% of Romanians say they?re displeased with the performance of Liberal prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, according to a new poll by the INSOMAR institute.

And, the newspaper says, the lack of satisfaction is almost identical towards the PM and his government as a whole.

But 63% of Romanians are pleased with the activities of Romanian head of state Traian Basescu, according to the same poll, and 18% say they would support Basescu?s option ? former Liberal leader Theodor Stolojan ? when it comes to a possible replacement for Tariceanu.

Adevarul, meanwhile, turns its eyes on the Social Democratic (PSD) opposition, with a report that a shadow association belonging to the PSD youth movement has gotten involved in real estate businesses after it received a donation of four forested hectares in the county of Dambovita.

While the land belonged to a school camp, several villas have already been built to host parties of the PSD youth, in a scheme masterminded by well known figures such as Victor Ponta, a former member of the government, and Daciana Sarbu, the daughter of a former Agriculture minister.

Beyond Romanian politics, the Bucharest media is looking forward for hearing from the European Commission, which is due to present its monitoring reports on Romania and Bulgaria tomorrow, probably including a date recommendation for the accession of the two countries in the EU.

The same Adevarul reports that Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn is due to visit both countries today and tomorrow, for last minute touches to the report. And on May 17 another top official announced a surprise visit here ? EC President Durao Barroso.

The newspaper shares its confusion about the visits and recalls „the consolation visit of US President Bill Clinton after Romania was excluded from the first wave of NATO?s eastward enlargement”.