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What the newspapers say: May 16, 2007

The National Security laws were discussed in the National Supreme Defense Council, an event that stirs all kinds of reactions in the media. And, as unbelievable as it may seem, Romanian parliamentarians announced their intention to promote the uninominal vote, despite the fact that it’s a project initiated by the suspended president Basescu.

Everything else is almost the same as every day, except for the Justice minister, Tudor Chiuariu, who is now also eyed by the European Commissioner for Justice, Franco Frattini.

„Liberal – Social Democrat coalition revives uninominal vote” is the headline in Cotidianul, after the interim Senate speaker, Doru Ioan Taracila, announced on Tuesday that a law draft on the subject may be put up before the end of the month.

A few months ago, when the tensions between the Parliament and the suspended president Basescu peaked, Basescu announced his intention to organize a referendum on the uninominal vote, feeling that „the electors are no longer represented by the parliamentarians”.

In the referendum that was approved instead, on president Basescu’s suspension, things are no longer clear for any of the parties involved. Same Cotidianul publishes an analysis on the way the political parties see the future in case suspended president Basescu wins in the referendum and returns as head of state.

Basescu promises not to change voice and says that his main problem will not be to collaborate with PM Tariceanu, but with the Parliament. On the other hand, Tariceanu believes that his relations with Basescu won’t evolve, since „Basescu isn’t able to learn from the past”.

The ongoing scandal in the Justice system made EP Markus Faber write a petition to the European Commissioner for Justice, France Frattini, demanding the activation of safeguarding clauses for Romania, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Frattini declared he will carefully analyze the situation and reminds he asked the Romanian Justice minister, Tudor Chiuariu, not only to guarantee the independence of the Justice processes, but also to follow the existing strategy in fighting corruption and organized crime.

Speaking of Justice, four officials in the Romania’s Hungarian Democratic Union (UDMR) are under criminal investigation for illegally using funds in favor of their minority.

A County Council president, a governor, a deputy and a state deputy secretary are accused of all kinds of crimes, ranging from instigation to abuse to breaking legal rights and allowing access to information for unauthorized persons, Gandul reads.

UDMR head Marko Bela says the accused only tries to help their electors and make the electoral promises come true.

The 83 national security laws received the required apoint of view from the Supreme Defense Council and will be discussed in the Parliament, Evenimentul Zilei informs.

It may seem it’s a victory, after months of negotiations, but Cotidianul sees it only as a Social Democrat point scored against the new allies, the Liberals, given the approved amendments.

In other news:

Gandul: Car tax discussions postponed: the controversial car tax, recently modified in order to become „more European”, will be discussed next week by Romanian Economy Ministry and European Commission representatives.

Cotidianul: The luxury car race to bring profits. Bucharest will host one of the FIA GT phases, entering the official racing calendar this year. Tickets already sold add up to some 3 million dollars.

Gandul: Electoral Kitsch: Liberals give for free condoms with suspended president Basescu’s face.

Cotidianul: Romanian Stock Exchange (BVB) may buy shares at the London Stock Exchange. A sad but true story: Romania’s main share market is one thousand times smaller than the one in London. BVB already bought shares in the New York Stock Exchange, Euronext and OMX.

Gandul: Bucharest has the fastest growth rate in Europe, says Herbert Stepic, executive manager at Raiffeisen International Bank. „Each time I see Bucharest, I see another city”, Stepic says, comparing the city with Moscow and Shanghai.