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What the newspapers say: May 9, 2007

A new majority, a new political class, early elections – these are the solutions suggested by president Basescu in order to solve the current political crisis.

While the president – PM – Parliament relations are far from normal, other institutions seem to imitate their desire for chaos. The Justice Minister is accused of interfering with the Anti Corruption Prosecution Office (DNA), in a huge scandal, widely presented by all newspapers.

All newspapers talk about the future plans of the suspended president Basescu. In a TV debate, Basescu admitted that „Romania can’t be changed on May 19, but it’s important what it begins to change on May 19” (the referendum on president’s suspension day).

Basescu is ready to „forgive” some of the 322 MPs who voted for his suspension, in order to negotiate a new political majority, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

But another surprise comes from Prime Minister Tariceanu, Basescu’s main opponent, who is ready to adopt a projects the president fought for: the uninominal vote. The news came after the latest discussions Tariceanu had with the interim president, Nicolae Vacaroiu, Gandul reads.

Still, Cotidianul finds that the Liberal – Social Democrat collaboration isn’t all that good. „PSD blocks all Liberal projects” is the headline in the newspapers.

The national security laws would pass only after the modifications Social Democrats want take place, the „Property Fund”, designed to compensate former real estate and industry owners may be killed before birth, Foreign Intelligence and the public TV stations still don’s have chiefs – these are just a few of the fruits in the „positive” relation between the two parties.

The same Cotidianul also chooses to quote from Basescu’s speech on Tuesday that 100 MPs were collaborators of the former Communist political police, Securitate. A new reason for a lustration law, even in case it comes 17 years too late.

But the main scandal, covered by all newspapers, comes from the Justice Ministry. Tudor Chiuariu, the Justice Minister, demanded the head of the Anti Corruption Prosecution Office (DNA), Daniel Moraru, to release from his function Doru Tulus, head of department in the institution.

Chiuariu believes that Tulus was inefficient, with no major files being ever closed. „We have a corrupt country without corrupt people”, Chiuariu says. His opponents point at the files opened and managed by Tulus, which include the head of the Conservative Party, a former vice prime minister, a Liberal head, a former head of the Bucharest Court and so on.

Depending on who is supported by the newspapers, Chiuariu either tries to block some major files or tries to accelerate them.

Evenimentul Zilei quotes the DNA head, Daniel Morar, who claims that Chiuariu asked him to freeze all files involving politicians while president Basescu is suspended and, even more, to be informed before the press in case a major file is closed.

On the same subject, Gandul finds that „Morar launches thin accusations against Chiuariu”.

In other news:

– A former employee of Mittal Steel Galati was sentenced to 2.5 years in jail in a controversial case. The former head of security was accused of theft after he discovered unregistered steel products worth some 30 million dollars. (Gandul)

– Bucharest City Hall will re-negotiate the contract for the water infrastructure signed with Apa Nova in 2002. (Gandul)

– A piece of land in Bucharest blew all records, selling for 53 million euros in a complex real estate project (Gandul).

– The noise maps in Bucharest and Cluj were made without a law approving it, before Romania’s accession to the European Union. (Jurnalul National)

– Dacia will launch its fourth Logan model, a hatchback, in October, in Brazil.


– The Bulgarian Energy Minister resigned under corruption suspicions (Cotidianul)