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What will parties do after the referendum?

It is a duty as a politician, after years of tensions and months of crisis, to speak loudly about what will happen after the referendum on May 19. Parties involved and leaders begun to send some signals, but everything is still confuse. The plans are not made considering whether Basescu returns as president, but considering the number of votes he will get.

Traian Basescu’s post-referendum plans:

– The main priority is to introduce the uninominal vote;

– To pursue this goal, Basescu needs to build a new Parliamentarian majority, being already available to negotiate with some of the 322 MPs who voted in favor of his suspension;

– On a long term, Basescu’s target is to modify the Constitution, in order to clarify the relations between various state institutions;

– Basescu signals that he will deal with matters of substance, like his relationship with the Parliament. His attacks aiming at PM Tariceanu consisted lately almost exclusively in remarks about Tariceanu’s connection with the Liberal „oligarch” Dinu Patriciu.

– Basescu will not „change voice”

– An issue Basescu insisted on at the beginning of his mandate was to organize early elections.

– Basescu says he won’t negotiate with the political forces that fought to banish him from the political stage.

Liberal Democrats and Democrats:

– Democrat Party head Emil Boc announced that his party will concentrate on rising the required signatures to modify the Constitution, so that the relations between the Presidency and the Parliament would be clarified;

– Same Boc says that the Constitution should be modified so that „the loser goes home”. In other words „in case the people vote for the dismissal, the president should go home. If not, the Parliamentarians should go home”;

– Democrats will stay in the Opposition and focus on monitoring the governmental actions and decisions;

– Liberal-Democrats and Democrats will continue to support Basescu;

– Democrats asked the members of the Government to resign in case Basescu returns as president.

Social Democrats (PSD)

– Social Democrat leaders couldn’t send a common message regarding their position after the May 19 referendum;

– Mircea Geoana insisted that „in case Basescu didn’t understand anything from this experience and continues to behave in the same manner, it is clear that the war between him and the Parliament will go on and on”;

– Regarding the Constitution, Geoana hopes for a fundamental law that would make Romania less „presidential”;

– PSD will not continue its collaboration with the far-right party Great Romania;

– Same Geoana says that PSD will initiate new suspension procedures in care Basescu „will continue to break the Constitution”.

– According to former Romania president Ion Iliescu, in case of early elections, „Mircea Geoana is not necessarily the first choice for the PSD candidate”;

– Iliescu also mentions that what will happen after the referendum depends on the number of people voting for Basescu, „51 or 65% of the electors”


– PM Tariceanu recently declared for Euronews that he is not very optimistic in case Basescu returns as president and that „if this happens, many political leaders will simply ignore the President”;

– Liberal vice president Dan Radu Rusanu said on May 11 that the Liberal parliamentarians will resign in case Basescu wins more than 8 million votes. His statement was soon contradicted by several Liberal leaders;

– PM Tariceanu declares himself in favor of the uninominal voting system;

– The Liberal – PSD partnership, Tariceanu says, was only dictated by the fact that the two parties had similar positions about Basescu, but the relation will end after the referendum;

– Tariceanu would rather plead for a Parliamentarian republic.