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What the newspapers say: November 20, 2006

It was a James Bond weekend for sure. All newspapers in Romania talk extensively about the adventure on the stalked Economy Minister, Codrut Seres. The poisoning of a former KGB officer in London is also present on most front pages and, speaking of London, an increasing number of investigative journalists respond to the demeaning anti Romanian campaign spearheaded by The Sun.

The bomb in the weekend was the statement made by Codrut Seres, the Economy Minister: “I’ve been followed by two cars everywhere I go for the past two weeks, since the energy debate was launched”. After hours of TV broadcast on the subject, a Bucharest tabloid finally claimed it was a team of its paparazzi.

Still, Seres also discussed the political pressure he’s under, from getting law drafts in his mail to “party friends” in the governing coalition, all asking for a favor.

The result: OMV (majority shareholder at Petrom) CEO rushed to Romania, while the general managers at Electrica and Romgaz were suspended, Romania Libera reads.

In fact, the energy mob was already unveiled by president Traian Basescu one year ago, when the issue was the companies buying cheap hydro energy and re-selling it t higher prices, for the benefit of several politicians and businessmen, Evenimentul Zilei reminds.

The second most important subject is a growing war between the Romanian and British tabloids, now expanding to the central newspapers.

The first to react was the most popular tabloid in Romania, Libertatea, which launched the “Look who’s talking!” campaign, first about the drunken hooligans that gave UK a bad name in Bucharest, now proving that the TB and AIDS hysteria in The Sun is undocumented.

On the other hand, Sanda Nicola, a special reporter for the national TV station TVR1, wrote a long story from London for Evenimentul Zilei. From Pakistani cabbies to Turkish boys at the hotel, from Krakow immigrants at the hotel reception to Romanian construction workers, most people don’t take The Sun seriously.

Joan Hoey, senior analyst at Economist Intelligence Unit, also believes that Romanians and Bulgarians suffer these days the mistakes made by the British government two years ago, when they counted on a few tens of thousands of immigrants from the Eastern Europe and instead got hundreds of thousands.

As a result, politicians and media such as „Daily Mail” and „Daily Express” opened the usual campaigns against the new immigrants, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

In our own campaign against the Communist crimes, two newspapers write about the same abuse: 125 officers and 75 informers contributed in the psychiatric hospitalization of Marin Trusca, a simple History student who had a few thoughts against the Communist system, Romania Libera and Adevarul read.

The rest is the usual weekend stuff: Romanians in areas with a Hungarian majority claim they were politically sacrificed (Gandul), the state allows people to die on public roads and invests nothing in protection (Adevarul).

Agriculture Minister Gheorghe Flutur doesn’t resign from the ministry, as demanded after resigning from the top position in the Liberal Party (Cotidianul) and the Russian investigating the death of Anna Politkovskaia, a former FSB officer, has the same chances to survive as Flutur – 50/50 (Adevarul).