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Top Liberals fail to reach agreement

A meeting between National Liberal Party-PNL president Calin Popescu Tariceanu and dissident Liberal Theodor Stolojan, who is challenging the current leadership of the group, failed on Tuesday morning as the two parties could not overcome major differences that have split the Liberal movement seriously for months.

Stolojan, a former PNL president and a former Presidency aide who was ousted from the party recently over his differences with Tariceanu and his supporters, has been pressing for a thorough reform of the Liberal Party so that it regained its stature before Romanian voters.

Tariceanu, who also serves as prime minister in a coalition government with President Traian Basescu’s Democrats, has resisted Stolojan pressure.

The two finally agreed to meet for talks on Tuesday, but the reconciliation attempt only resulted in “us talking and, instead of facing the voters, we faced each other making politics”, as Tariceanu said on leaving the meeting.

For his part, Stolojan said he presented three requests to the current PNL leadership – all “abusive” exclusions of people who joined the push for reform over the past several months be revoked; a PNL statement that any Liberal joining the dissident movement should consider oneself expelled from the party be annulled; and the cration of conditions for the reform program be discussed within PNL.

Tariceanu said any proposal that comes against the status of the party could not be taken into consideration.