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What the newspapers say: November 28, 2006

Romanian newspapers on Tuesday go on with their revelations and investigations into shady energy deals in Romania. They also focus on Romania’s future representatives in Brussels and Washington and, as a NATO summit is due to begin in Riga, one prominent paper publishes an article by President Jacques Chirac on his vision about the Alliance.

Another exclusive report: days before his death, Russian spy Litvinenko signed a Romanian’s appeal for an international condemnation of communism.

A day after President Traian Basescu said in an interview for Evenimentul Zilei that there were “risks of not knowing who is the majority shareholder in OMV-Petrom”, as 51% of the Austrian company OMV shares are floated on stock exchanges, the same newspaper reports that many Moscow-based companies are currently running deals with OMV.

Evenimentul Zilei writes that the Austrian group has ownership and business links with two key Russian oil companies, LUKoil – through Greek billionaire Spuros Latsis – and Yukos.

OMV, however, replied to President Basescu’s suspicions: Gandul quotes a company representative who says it is practically impossible that freely traded OMV shares amounting to 50.9% of the company be accumulated by a single entity, no matter its structure.

As prosecutors intensify their investigation on privatizations in the Romanian energy sector, Cotidianul writes that two people charged with espionage in one such case, Romanian Mircea Flore and Czech Michal Susak, are abroad and nowhere to be found.

Still, prosecutors had the opportunity to hear another three people placed under treason and espionage in the energy privatization scandal – Bulgarian Stamen Stancev, Mustafa Oral and Vadim Benyatov.

Meanwhile, the same Cotidianul reports the message members of the European Parliament heard from Romania’s designated EU commissioner for multilingualism during hearings yesterday.

The newspaper lists a high school-level translations contest at EU level next year, the use of mass-media to promote multilingualism – including through the subtitling of movies on TV, and the organization of a EU ministry-level conference on multilingualism.

For Gandul, the most important aspect of the hearings yesterday was that MEPs questioned Orban about the use of Hungarian and Rroma minority languages in Romania.

And Cotidianul notes that Romania has another important nomination to make these days, before that of Orban. It reports that after several options proved invalid, the current head of Romania’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Mihnea Motoc, might be named the future ambassador of the country to the United States.

While North-Atlantic leaders gather in Riga for a NATO summit, Evenimentul Zilei publishes an article signed Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic, who presents its vision on NATO as a “link between Europe and North America in the service of peace”.

The French leader supports a special partnership between NATO and Ukraine and the accession of Western Balkans countries as soon as they’re ready to do so.

On the same issue, Gandul quotes General COnstantin Degeratu, a state councilor for the Romanian Presidency, who said that in late nineties foreign military councilors working with Romania’s Defense Ministry have pushed for the disbandment of the Romanian Navy as its maintenance costed too much.

The situation went as far as Romanian authorities at the time saw the pressure as a compulsory term before the country joined NATO.

Speaking about military issues, Evenimentul Zilei reports that Soviet-style weapons made in Romania continue to bring death in Africa. The newspaper launched an “incognito investigation in Switzerland, the country of anonymous accounts”, to find the trade links that see Romanian weapons reach embargoed third world countries.

Last but not least, Adevarul reports that Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian spy killed in Britain this month had signed an Appeal for the international condemnation of communism, launched by Romanian Sorin Iliesiu, a key member of a presidential commission for the condemnation of the communism regime in this country.

Litvinenko signed the document by e-mail on October 20, days before he was poisoned in London.