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What the newspapers say: December 8, 2006

Were there a greater spirit that governs the way Romania produces its news, one might say that spirit had one drink too many in anticipating this weekend. What seemed to be a campaign against the former abusive privatizations now looks like begging for some cash. Meanwhile, 4th degree aliens from outer space ask for land for their embassy in Romania.

After the entire fuss around governmental corruption and favoring companies for strategic privatizations, Austrians from OMV promise to invest twice more than the contract provides.

Three billion euros are to be invested until 2010, double than the price paid for 51% of the Petrom shares, with one billion going to the Petrobrazi refinery upgrade to the level of “South-Eastern Europe’s most modern and efficient refinery”.

Even more, OMV wishes to build a 800 MW thermal plant, with two thirds of the energy sold on the local market, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

A sign that a privatization always brings more if discussed in the Supreme Defense Council, right?

Normal life in Bucharest would worsen once more, after authorities decided to increase local taxes 5%. Living in Bucharest only gets easier for stray dogs, about to be gathered in an area of at least 10,000 square meters, same Evenimentul Zilei found out.

As expected, the political crisis peaked on Thursday. “Platform Liberals” announced their new party (The Liberal-Democrat Party), Liberals refuse to accept their participation in the governing alliance, Democrats wouldn’t be bothered by the idea, so it all falls into a long string of mutual accusations.

The subject is gold for all newspapers, but a quite fine synthesis is published in Cotidianul.

To spice the things up a bit, Gandul

found out that Democrats tried to blackmail Liberals during the last session of negotiations, claiming they have recordings of a top Liberal in an inappropriate conversation with a controversial Social-Democrat leader.

And all comes down in the end to a small but significant piece of news: aliens want a piece of land in Bucharest. The Elohims, internationally supported by Raelians, say they won’t risk a political mess after Romania’s accession to the EU, so they better open the embassy before January 1st.

The press conference was (of course!) attended to by a 4-foot invisible 4th degree alien, who remained silent. Read about it in Gandul.

As if Aliens weren’t enough, some 700,000 Romanians prepare to block all customs, returning for the holidays. Since passports won’t be confiscated anymore for those who over-stayed, the figure may even increase, Adevarul panics.