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What the newspapers say: March 28, 2007

Central Bank decreases interests and Romania feels prepared to make the transition to the European currency, euro, in 2014.

Until than, parties must first decide whether a government can survive in Romania more than two years or not. The political crisis seems to reach an end through the most unfortunate move: the governing alliance splits.

As for the rest: just as always – millions of euros lost in frauds, Russian controversial businessmen conducting affairs in Romania, disrespect for the law and so on.

Too busy with the political scandals, most newspapers neglect two major headlines. The Romanian Central Bank decreased its monetary policy interest rate 0.5%, down to 7.5%, a fact noticed by some TV stations and Romania Libera.

The same newspaper also tells about how Romania feels prepared to adopt the European currency in 2014, as Romanian Finance Minister Sebastian Vladescu announced in Brussels on Tuesday.

Back to the ordinary news, Liberals seem to have finally decided to put an end to the political crisis, by throwing out of the Government the Democrats, supporters of all-time-quarrelling president Basescu.

Cotidianul is certain that Romania will see its new cabinet next Wednesday, after the final negotiations are scheduled for today. The paper still believes that Democrats will be offered a last chance to form the Government.

The fact is, Evenimentul Zilei says, that Liberals can’t wait to split the Alliance and that radicals within the party want a new government this week, while moderates believe that PM Tariceanu would wait for the first week of April.

Anyway, PM Tariceanu seems rather concerned with the Foreign Minister seat, which he occupied temporarily, and makes public statements about the axis Romania may fill in Europe, with disregard to Basescu’s Bucharest – London – Washington axis, Gandul reads.

Taking advantage on the always noisy political scene, parliamentarians make an underground move, granting themselves access to state secrets. The Classified Information Law was approved on the spot on Tuesday and only president Basescu may stop it now, Cotidianul reads.

While the people is busy watching the political stage, Anti Graft Prosecutors may fins interesting files unveiled by the media. The National Railroad Company (CFR) lost over 100 million euros when the Transport Ministry was lead by Miron Mitrea, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Former heavyweight leader of the Social – Democrats, Mitrea is today under a major criminal investigation, regarding luxury terrain near Bucharest.

In order to cover all the financial impotence of the government, the Labor Minister met the foreign investors and suggested that they should pay their employees better, so they wouldn’t leave for Spain or Italy, Gandul found out.

As if the labor market wasn’t already explosive, highway contractor Bechtel brought Turkish workers to Romania, with wages 3.5 to 8 times larger than Romanians.

State employment agencies refuse to help further the company, saying that Bechtel proved its ill-intend, Romania Libera reads.

Back to the already usual problems, Romania is accused by the European Commission of adopting arbitrary levels for the cars’ first registration tax. „The law considers that all vehicles older than six years are worth 47% of their initial price, while some may depreciate even 90%”, EC officials say, according to Gandul.

More problems are expected in the energy field these days, where investigations reveal the involvement of controversial businessmen.