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What the newspapers say: April 13, 2007

The hottest news on Friday, as already discussed by, is that president Basescu threatens to resign in case the Parliament decides to suspend him for a month and organize a referendum calling for early elections.

In an interview for Cotidianul, the head of state explains that „The suspension is now an action that lacks a reason, a confrontation between me and the Parliament. The Constitutional Court already advised that the suspension procedures have no Constitutional grounds.

I believe that those who generated this abuse must answer in front of the electors at once and my resignation would bring us all back to the general vote”, says Basescu according to Evenimentul Zilei, Cotidianul and most other newspapers.

As strange as it sounds, the Democrats already prepare a government that should replace the existing cabinet, as part as their Opposition strategy, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

The new team would be formed mainly by former ministers, but the bids are still open.

In business, the main news is that Romanian Dacia Renault really stirred the international market after the success of its Logan model. On the emergent markets and not only, car producers begun to target the construction of cheap cars, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

Good business opportunities also rise in the Eastern part of Romania, with the US military being installed on the Kogalniceanu airport. American officials already organized tenders for future services, including roads maintenance, water provisioning, garbage and used water disposal and even „housekeeping”, Gandul informs.

Also interested in doing business in Romania: a delegation of Spanish officials, pleased with Romanians’ work in their strawberry fields, looks for agriculture terrain here. Several hundreds of hectares are about to be bought in Transylvania, with prices significantly lower than in Spain, same Gandul reads.

Speaking of good business – the real estate transactions reached half of the total market in 2006 during the first three months of the year, with some 450 million euros worth of deals, Gandul found out.

In the end, bad businesses also have their share of news: former Economy Minister, Codrut Seres, is accused of protecting the „wise guys” in energy. Seres was heard yesterday by the Anti Graft prosecutors and was briefed on the charges against him, Cotidianul reads.