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Referendum date on President suspension to be announced today

The two chambers of the Romanian Parliament are to convene on Monday to make a decision on the date of the referendum when Romanian voters will have their say on the dismissal of popular President Traian Basescu, whom legislators suspended with a large majority last week.

The referendum will ask Romanians whether they agree or not with the suspension – and if they do, the president is removed from office.

Interim President Nicolae Vacaroiu has said the referendum would most probably take place on May 20, a month after Basescu’s suspension.

Vacaroiu, who served as Senate speaker on behalf of the opposition Social Democrats, explained that should the referendum not be validated because less than 50%+1 voters show up to have their say, than the citizens don’t want to have Basescu dismissed from office.

According to current legislation, the referendum must take place within 30 days since the suspension of the head of state. 50%+1 of voters must show up to validate the vote and 50%+1 must vote in favor of the suspension in order to suspend the President.

Also on Monday, Vacaroiu is expected to announce his team for the period he holds the interim presidency as many of Basescu’s aides either resigned, or filed for leaves shortly after his suspension.