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Press under pressure again

The attacks against all kinds of media intensified once again in 2006, the annual Press Monitoring Agency (AMP) report published on Thursday indicates. May 3 is also the International Press Freedom Day.

The report lists the aggressions against journalists and press institutions, but also the most important events that may affect the media.

„Journalists were arrested, investigated and charged with possession of secret documents, homes and newsrooms were searched, prosecutors put pressure on journalists to reveal their sources, secret services have agents infiltrated in the editorial staffs, Internet websites were shut because of demands coming from the Foreign Ministry and newspapers were confiscated by the Police from their selling points”, the report shows.

The report also shows that the „consolidating trend of the press groups continued in 2006” but „the fact didn’t bring any quality increase in the media products offered to the public, not even any diversification. The recipes seem to be the same, and the entertainment is still ahead of the information”.

In the matter of the growing press corporations, AMP reminds that the political, economic and legal status of the four major media owner is still a point of concern.

In legislation, journalists won once, with the media crimes being ruled out of the Penal code. Still, the joy didn’t last, the Constitutional Court rejecting the entire set of Penal Code amendments.