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Dacia sales drop in Romania but win in France

Dacia sales on the French market rose by 43% in the first eight months of this year, compared to the similar period in 2006, amounting to 20.000 units. The market quota reached 1.5%.

On the Romanian market, Dacia recorded negative bottomlines in the first seven months of this year due to the massive import requests increase.

In the first months of the year, the French market sold 20.029 Dacia cars, an increase of 42.8% as compared to the similar period of 2006 when sales amounted to 14.023 cars. The market quota won 0.5% which puts it to 1.5%.

In August alone, there were more than 2,400 Dacia cars sold, while in the similar month of the previous year, there were only 1031 cars sold.

Renault sales quota reported a 10.3% sales drop. The market quota dropped from 24% in 2006 to 21.6% this year.

Peugeot also registered negative results on its local market its quota fell from 17.7% to 17%. The only French producer to raise its market quota is Citroen from 12.9% to 13.4%.

Dacia will produce 225.000 cars for the Romanian market

Dacia Vice President Constantin Stroe said for NewsIn that Dacia will export more than 120.000 cars out of the 225.000 total. For the next year, Dacia will produce 275.000 cars while in 2009 it will reach 350.000.