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Expelled Liberal refuses negotiations

Former Liberal President, Theodor Stolojan, took a raincheck on the proposition made by the current president, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, who recently invited him to a „reconciliating dialogue”. Stolojan explained on Monday that he still analyzes the offering, but that the meeting should take place in the conditions imposed by the reformist group.

„I was surprised to hear about the ivitation. The Secretary General called me, but it’s impossible for me to schedule a meeting today”, said Stolojan.

Asked whether or not he would meet Tariceanu another day, Stolojan simply replied: „It’s not about a Tariceanu – Stolojan meeting, or about me being interested in a specific role in the party.

It’s a meeting between the expelled Liberals, Flutur’s group and the current party leaders” (Flutur recently resigned from the vice president position, but remained Agriculture Minister).