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Financial Times: Romanians like party until dawn

Italian expat in Bucharest Andrea Multari, aged 38, talks about his life in Bucharest together with his Romanian wife, Oana and child, Roberto. Multari is a management consultant for Accenture and traveled all over Europe but decided to live in Bucharest.

Multari argues for the Financial Times that he adapted to Romanian life quite rapidly, having experienced other Eastern European countries like the Czech Republic or Slovakia. Some of the things he faces were: very high real estate prices and low returns to estate investments.

Moreover, he argues that the subway system in Bucharest is not suited for a capital city whose population increases tremendously. He argues that traffic jams could be avoided by a proper development of the infrastructure.

He argues that Romanians working style resembles those in Spain or Italy – unstructured, with lots of coffee breaks but projects are finished in time with perseverance and creativity. He argues that what he misses most from Italy is the architecture, culture and the traffic in Italy as he find Romanians driving very aggressively.