Government to pay for the People’s Salvation Cathedral
The construction of the People’s Salvation Cathedral will be co-financed by the Government, not only by the Romanian Orthodox Church. Both the Executive and the Patriarchy will each contribute 50% from the necessary funds. Senators adopted the far-right Great Romania Party (PRM) proposal with 61 for, 1 against and 5 abstains on Tuesday.
The new project postpones the initial deadline set for the construction – 2011. The project is about to be debated now in the House of Deputies.
The government approved the Cathedral’s construction two years ago. However, work did not start due to some judicial issues involving the terrain. Another reason was the large amount of money needed which could not be covered solely by the Romanian Patriarchy.
Talks concerning the building of a People’s Salvation Cathedral are on the table again since the Romanian Patriarch Teoctist died.