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Hungarian Democrats urge Romanian authorities to acknowledge Kosovo independence

Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) leader Marko Bela has said that Romania should acknowledge the independence of Kosovo as soon as possible. In a press conference organized on Monday, Bela, who leads the main ethnic Hungarian party in Romania, which is a junior member of the government, presented his party stand regarding Kosovo. He said that the progress of Kosovo was a natural historical pace. He insisted that Romania would finally be compelled to accept Kosovo’s independence along with other EU member states.

Bela also talked about the feared precedent created by Kosovo, arguing that the precedent is set by the European Union and the international community and not necessarily by the proclamation itself. Marko Bela said that currently in Romania there are several dangerous legislative projects that have as a direct effect the exclusion of any ethnic Hungarian political formation from the Parliament.

Senator Radu Campeanu of the governing Liberal party PNL said that Romania acted rightfully and any push from ethnic Hungarians in Romania for independence would be treated likewise. Social Democrat leader Mircea Geoana declared that Romania’s decision not to acknowledge Kosovo was wise.

At their turn, Democrat Liberals (PD-L) summoned PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to officially set Romania’s position on Kosovo’s declaration of independence. PD-L leader Emil Boc said that Romanian authorities needed to have a single stand on the issue.