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Immigrants bring AIDS to UK

British tabloid “The Sun” continues to spearhead the demeaning campaign against Romanians. “BRITAIN is facing an Aids epidemic after the revelation that TWO THIRDS of all new cases are in immigrants”, the tabloid reads in its Thursday edition.

Many of the immigrants carrying the disease don’t seek any treatment and risk to infect others, the article continues, underlining that the situation would become critical after Romania’s and Bulgaria’s accession to the EU next year, along with the workers wave.

Some 59,000 UK citizens carry HIV and 8,000 new cases were recorded last year, out of which 70% were found at African and Eastern European immigrants, The Sun writes, quoting a Health Protection Agency report.

Sir Andrew Green, an official in the Migration Watch organization says it is “ironic” the way the Government encourages precaution in order to stop the sexually spread AIDS, while most of the new cases come from foreigners, as quoted by the Tabloid.

Beside the HIV carriers, The Sun believes that immigrants are also responsible for TB and malaria incidents.