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Intelligence head: „There were no political police-like actions”

The head of the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI), George Maior, presented on Wednesday the results of the interior investigation of the recent scandal involving information on three Constitutional Court judges.

Maior says that the data revealed in the investigation shows that none of the SRI employees ever conducted political police-like actions. Until it will become clear how the hand-written note of his deputy director – Florian Coldea – that caused the scandal reached the press, Maior will also take over his deputy’s attributions.

According to Maior, Coldea did, indeed, demand information about three judges at the Constitutional Court, but only to verify information previously published by the press.

„Deputy Cozmin Gusa made some statements about two judges that may have been collaborators of Ceausescu’s political police, Securitate. After the statements were published by the media, Coldea tried to verify the data”, is the official SRI explanation.

The scandal around the subject begun when the Social Democrat head, Mircea Geoana, accused president Traian Basescu of using SRI in order to obtain compromising data about the judges, in order to gain favorable decisions in the court.