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Opposition Social Democrats call for Liberal Government of PM Tariceanu to resign

Mircea Geoana, the leader of the Social Democrats (PSD, main opposition party in Romania) said on Monday that his party would refuse to vote any governmental reshuffle in the Parliament.

Geoana added that the only solution to solve the conflicting situation that has been affecting Romanian politics was the resignation of the government led by Liberal leader Calin Popescu Tariceanu, which would enable Romania to have a new fresh political start.

The PSD leader declared that the current government did have any parliamentary support and therefore should resign. However, the Social Democrats would not submit a censure motion against the government but would search a ‘political solution’.

It is not the first time that Social Democrats urge for the Prime Minister’s resignation but the party move is at least contradictory as the Social Democrats vote in favor of the government every time Liberals need Parliamentary support.