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Political debate on ammending Romania Constitution

Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, leader of the National Liberal Party (PNL) said for young liberals meeting in a seaside resort on Saturday that one ought to amend the constitution in order to give more power to the government. Thus, Tariceanu pointed towards a parliamentary republic in which the president would be elected by the Parliament, Romanian news agency NewsIn reports.

Both Hungarian Democrats and Conservatives support the Prime Minister’s idea.

However, Democrats say that the citizens should maintain their supremacy in choosing the political system of the country and that such offers are coming from incapable political parties.

Tariceanu said in Costinesti that his party would opt for Constitution amendments to introduce a parliamentary republic. The PM said that the current Constitution offers executive powers to both the President and the Government, a fact which raises controversies.

Even if on different topics, Constitution amendment talks are not foreign from the political debate. This time, Democrats – who were removed from the governing alliance with the Liberals in spring this year – and Liberal Democrats – reject this approach saying that only small and unable parties need a parliamentary republic.

The main opposition party, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) considers that the dispute is molded according to the party’s interests.

According to NewsIn, the constitution amendment process can be initiated by the President at the government’s proposal by at least one forth of the number of deputies or senators and by 500.000 citizens.

The amendment project or proposal must be adopted by the Parliament with a 2/3 majority in each House.

The amendments are final once adopted through referendum which is organized within 30 days of the date the project is proposed.