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Religion classes: mandatory with exceptions

Religion classes would become mandatory – but with certain exceptions – for grades 1-9 in schools across Romania, according to a compromise reached by the Education Ministry and various parties involved in negotiations over a series of draft laws on education reform.

Negotiations on the education bills are to continue for the whole week. Education Minister, Adomnitei concluded talks with union representatives on law on undergraduate education on Monday.

After negotiations, the two parties added a new paragraph to the education reform: religion classes become mandatory up to 9th grade.

However, constitutionally, those who do not want to study it, may be receiving a derogation.

Other consensus points:

• Kindergarden becomes mandatory. Education starts at the age of three and is mandatory

• By the end of the last mandatory class, thesis grades will be reviewed and based on the median, the pupil will be admitted in highschool

• Highschool takes three years

• Religion classes are mandatory up to highschool entrance

Education Minister’s spokesperson, Anisoara Stefanescu says that even though religion classes are mandatory, each pupil has the right to choose his/her religion. Thus, if one wishes to study another religion than his colleagues the school has to guarantee the chance of learning it.

Moreover, those who do not wish to study religion at all can do so and their grades will disregard these classes.

Thus, religion becomes an offer and not an imposition.