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Romanian Democrat named in EPP leadership

Romanian Jean Marian Marinescu was named deputy president of the European Popular Party-European Democrats in the European Parliament on Wednesday. Marinescu thus becomes the first Romanian to be part of the leadership structure of the most important political party in the EP.

A member of the Democratic Party-PD, Marinescu will work with EPP-ED president Joseph Daul and other nine deputy heads of the group. His candidacy was pushed by the Romanian Delegation in the EPP-ED, which unites members of the PD, the Hungarian Democrats in Romania (UDMR) and the a representative of the non-Hungarian national minorities.

PD is a key member of the governing coalition in Bucharest, along the National Liberal Party (PNL). PD is closely linked to Romanian President Traian Basescu.

Marinescu was voted with 128 votes in favour, especially from EPP representatives from Spain, Germany and Italy.

He told that his priorities will focus on the promotion of Romania’s position and interests in the EU and on informing the EP about the projects and necessities of the country.

Marinescu has served as head of the Romanian delegation to the EPP-ED since September 2005, when he became an observer to the European Parliament. An aviation engineer, he had served in management structures at local and central level in Romania.