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Romanian PM sticks to Norica Nicolai nomination as Justice minister

Romanian PM Tariceanu on Monday met with Norica Nicolai, the governing Liberal Party (PNL) nominee for the seat of Justice minister, to assure her that he will continue to support her despite President Traian Basescu’s recent accusations of malpractice against the Liberal senator, governmental sources quoted by news television Antena 3 say.

Tariceanu met with President Basescu on Saturday to discuss the President’s accusations and refusal to accept Norica Nicolai as Justice minister. However, none made any public declarations on the issue. Basescu, who had called for Tariceanu to withdraw the nomination of senator Nicolai early this month, last week made public proof that Nicolai had sentenced an innocent man to prison in the late eighties and illegally represented a foreigner in an adoption case in early nineties.

According to the governmental sources, the prime minister considers the possibility to move the dispute over the nomination to the Constitutional Court. However, no decision has been made so far.

Meanwhile, Liberal Transports minister Ludovic Orban said in a – BBC interview last weekend that the Liberal party was still supporting Norica Nicolai for the job of Justice minister, left vacant by ex-minister Tudor Chiuariu who resigned late last year.