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Romanian President Basescu warns of rupture between Parliament, society

There is a risk of a serious rupture between the Parliament and the Romanian society if legislators will approve of the new government presented today by the “former prime minister of the D.A. Alliance”, Romanian President Traian Basescu said today.

He issued the warning in a letter delivered to the speakers of the two chambers of the Parliament shortly after the list of new ministers was sent to MPs.

The D.A. Alliance was formed of PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s Liberals (PNL) and the Democrats (PD) connected to President Basescu. After two years of government together, Tariceanu opted to leave the PD out of the government announced today, after months of intense political struggle.

The head of state believes that “in the current circumstances a good functioning of the democratic system may be guaranteed either through a transparent formation of a new political majority or by returning to the will of Romanian voters as fast as possible”.

He showed that the proposed government is formed of PNL and the Hungarian Democrats [UDMR] who together cover only 22% of the parliamentary seats, which can be validated only with the votes of the current opposition. This “would weaken the coherence of governmental action as opposition parties do not plan to assume a new parliamentary majority with PNL and UDMR”, he said.