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Romanian President Traian Basescu: Putin said Romania chose to buy gas from intermediaries and so we got what we wanted

Romania’s President Traian Basescu spoke about the NATO Summit hosted by Bucharest last week and its significance, foreign policy issues, the Black Sea strategy and Romania’s economic and political ties with Russia in a talk-show on Romanian television B1 TV on Wednesday night.

Basescu did not miss the chance to accuse Social Democrats for signing disadvantageous contracts with Russia in 2000-2002, when the now-main opposition party used to form the government. The contracts lead the gas prices to increase tremendously, he said. To remedy the situation, Basescu declared that he would visit Russia together with an economic delegation in September or October.

He added that Russia plans to transit electricity through the Balkans and thus talks will be held on a possible common investment project. Plus, Basescu urges Romanian entrepreneurs to export as much goods as they can to decrease de 2 billion euro deficit with Russia.

As local elections are imminent, Basescu could not miss the chance to endorse the candidacy for Bucharest Mayor of Vasile Blaga, from the main party supporting him, the Democrat Liberals (PDL). He argued that Blaga would most definitely manage to win the seat of Bucharest Mayor.

On the issue of Romanian singer Teo Peter, who was killed in a car accident by an American diplomat years ago, he said that Romanian authorities were taking all necessary actions to resolve the case properly. Recently, a US court decided that the American citizen involved in the crash was not responsible of Peter’s death.