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Romanians could receive free emotional support from a pan-European line

Romanians might get free access to European social assistance lines such as those destined for missing children, for persons in need of emotional support or for people with suicidal tendencies, the Romania’s main communication regulator announced on Tuesday.

The authority proposed a project to lobby for a European policy on the issue. Currently, an annex of a European Commission decision defines three short numbers for harmonized services with a social character that will available for Romania as well: 116000 – for emergency missing children, available non stop; 116111 – for child assistance; 116123 – for emotional support – destined to those in need of moral support or those wanting to kill themselves.

As a EU member state, Romania is not officially forced to implement such services but local authorities told that they would find a solution to apply the norms as it was in the benefit of the people.