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Romania’s security strategy endorsed

The Supreme Defense Council approved on Monday the six laws that made up the national strategy, for which the Romanian president Traian Basescu took full responsibility. Four of the six laws are to be uploaded on the Presidency website, while two are still kept classified.

In the coming 30 days, the four laws are open for public debates.

The national strategy stands as the departure point for the defense strategy of the state, both of which will mark „a new era of representing Romania’s interests”, according to president Traian Basescu.

Romanian PM Calin Poescu Tariceanu said on Monday that he supported a package of laws on national security,but said prior to the talks that he would call for changes to the proposed legislalation when it would be sent for Parliament approval.

The Supreme Defense Council convened on Monday to discuss the National Security Strategy and the activity reports of the Council and of the Defense Ministry for 2005.

The talks included a highest-level debate on the draft laws on the activity of intelligence, counter-intelligence and security services, the organization and operation of the Romanian Intelligence Service – SRI and of the Foreign Intelligence Service – SIE, as well as the professional status of intelligence officers.

PM Tariceanu refused to comment on the changes he supported but said he would reveal them once the legislation goes to Parliament.