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Senate postpones again the validation of the Superior Council of Magistracy members representing the civil society on political grounds / Governing coalition left the meeting to postpone the decision

The Senate postponed, once again, the validation of Corina Dumitrescu as Superior Council of Magistracy member representing civil society and the election of a new member in the Council, left vacant after the invalidation of Victor Alistar. Senate’s Speaker Mircea Geoana said that the reasons are political.

Senators quarreled on whether to include the matter on the daily agenda and finally governing coalition Senators left the room and due to lack of quorum, the meeting suspended. Currently, the Superior Council of Magistracy is working on a special quorum set by the government of 14 members instead of 15 as normal. Even though the matter was postponed last week, Senators quarreled on this matter before the Senate’s meeting and during the meeting.