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Social Democrats leaders endorse ex-minister Mitrea as candidate for Bucharest Mayor

Several hours after Liberal Democrats officially announced their candidate for Bucharest Mayor, opposition Social Democrats decided on Tesday to endorse the candidacy of former PSD Transports minister Miron Mitrea. Thus, Social Democrats will make an official announcement on Friday, after the Executive Committee of the party meets, according to PSD sources.

Sources within the party told that Mitrea’s nomination is definitive and Marian Vanghelie would run for his current seat as District 5 mayor in elections due next month. Quoted sources argue that Vanghelie’s price to give up the Bucharest Mayor seat was that he would be named deputy mayor in case Mitrea wins.

Social Democratic leaders were split on the issue, as some preferred the candidacy of Marian Vanghelie and others of Oprescu. So, it seems that a middle way was finally found in the person of Miron Mitrea.