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Survey: Democrats most favored by Romanian voters

The Democratic Party (PD) remains the favorite political group among Romanian voters as it would receive 42% of votes if parliamentary elections would be held next Sunday, a new survey shows.

The study, run by pollster IMAS and published on Tuesday, shows the opposition Social Democrats (PSD) on second place with 17%, followed by the New Generation Party (PNG) ran by populist businessman-politician Gigi Becali with 13%, and the governing Liberals with 12%.

The far-right Greater Romania Party would receive 5% of the votes, enough to enter Parliament.

But the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR), which are part of the current government, as well as the Liberal Democrats (PLD), the National Initiative Party (PIN) and the Conservatives (PC), also represented in the current legislature, would not be able to pass the 5% threshold.

When it comes to the politicians most trusted by Romanians, the first place is taken by Romanian President Traian Basescu with 54%. Next in line is Gigi Becali with 37%, followed by Teodor Stolojan with 27% and Mircea Geoana and Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu with 20% each.