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The Guardian: Russia to stop EU animal product imports because of Romania, Bulgaria

Russia is seriously thinking of halting its imports of animal products from any of the EU member states starting 2007 and blames it on future members Romania and Bulgaria that Moscow says do not respect food health standards, The Guardian announced, quoting a warning the European Commission has delivered to its 25 members on Wednesday.

Romanian authorities say, however, they would look into a way so that the country avoid any trade problems with Russia.

According to Adrian Tibu, spokesman for the Romanian Ministry of Agriculture, a similar problem existed two years ago when ten countries joined the EU. “There is no need to worry because all Romania has to do is to adopt a product certification system to be recognized in Russia”, he said.

For its part, the Russian news agency RIA Novosty quotes a Russian food health official who said his country needed proof that animal products of EU origin are safe once Romania and Bulgaria join the Union on January 1, 2007.